✨ 😃 Agus an bhliain ag teacht chun deiridh, cuirfimid aithne níos fearr ar chuid dár n-imreoirí faoi aois.
Rinne Maggie ionadaíocht don chlub i mbliana ag an gcomórtas Scór na nÓg.
Ghlac sí páirt sa nuachleas agus rinne sí jab ar dóigh.
Rinneamar agallamh beag le Maggie agus seo an méid a bhí le rá aici 😃 ✨
✨😃 As the year draws to a close, let’s get to know some of our underage players a little better.
Maggie represented the club at the Scór na nÓg competition this year. She took part in the novelty act and did a fantastic job.
We did a wee interview with Maggie and here’s what she had to say 😃✨
Rinne Maggie ionadaíocht don chlub i mbliana ag an gcomórtas Scór na nÓg.
Ghlac sí páirt sa nuachleas agus rinne sí jab ar dóigh.
Rinneamar agallamh beag le Maggie agus seo an méid a bhí le rá aici 😃 ✨
✨😃 As the year draws to a close, let’s get to know some of our underage players a little better.
Maggie represented the club at the Scór na nÓg competition this year. She took part in the novelty act and did a fantastic job.
We did a wee interview with Maggie and here’s what she had to say 😃✨